“If you make people think that they are thinking, they will love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.” -Aristotle “If you suck, be the first to admit; it puts your haters out of job” -Anonymous I get it, the movie is shit. I know, and I admit it. But this is not to justify why the movie is bad (If you really want to know, it was because I was ill equipped- technically and intellectually, the fact that you are reading this makes me a shitty director ), no this is to let you know of the tiny details and the metaphors you would have missed. These little things are pretty much the only reason why we made this movie in the first place. Le me introduce you to the people in this movie first (the reason will be evident as you read on) CAST & CREW: Written by and other behind the scenes work: Abh...
Injurious to health if taken seriously. Potential NSFSP, read at your own discretion. Don't tell my mom.