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Showing posts from February, 2015

This post is about finding you true calling, but is not about finding your true calling

Most people find their calling only after they've done settling down in life with a well paying job, hot wife who can make a mean sandwich (or make dinner without burning it. Yes, sexist joke. Now laugh.), and a classy sedan- fully paid for. "I don't know man, I just don't seem to be satisfied in life. There's something missing" He says to his mistress- man, sipping earl grey at an expensive indie coffee shop. Men suddenly see their true calling in life when this archimedian  moment of epiphany hits them in the face. Except they do't want to to run around town stark naked. Maybe they do, I don't know. Their true calling can range from following their childhood dreams of playing that guitar for a living- the one they gave up after three months of classes and took up in the first place to impress that cute girl sitting in the third bench in ninth grade, to taking up painting for the first time. If said men are over thirty, they might opt to tread on...