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10-ish reasons to love a commuter bike (or why your Pulsar is good, but my Passion is better)

Last week alone I saw two articles about the coveted Royal Enfield Bullet (for the uninitiated, it's the bike that goes dug-dug-dug-dug). So, being the nosey parker that I am, and being a proud owner of a bike in the segment myself, I searched the interwebs for a similar article about the simple commuter bike. Sadly I didn't find a single one of that sort. I never wanted to write this blogpost in the first place, but it seems like the universe has conspired to result in this. Cunning universe. So here are 10-ish reasons to love a commuter bike-

1. They are cheap AF: You can saddle up on a 100 cc for under 70k INR. With papers. Accessories included. Not only does it cost less, but it's really wallet friendly when it comes to maintenance as well. These bikes are manufactured with the average middle class commuter in mind. By that I mean, for the ones who have a strong mindset of "don't fix it if it's not broken". The bike will work fine even if you don't service it in regular intervals. But you should though, you definitely should.

2. No cosmetic BS: The newer bikes, the ones over 200 cc, come with a semi or a full fairing- what is known as "front domes" in colloquial desi english. Now, fairing helps regulate air resistance, which comes in handy when your bike cruises along at say 90- 100 km/s.The cruising speeds in commuters is a little over half those speeds. At those speeds your bike does not have to regulate jackshit. My bike has what is technically known as the "bikini fairing". Those front pointy things on the front of the fuel tank,150- 180 cc Pulsar owners will know what I'm talking about, those are completely unnecessary cosmetic upgrades.

4.They are cheap AF 2: Mileage. Enough said. But the only downside is that my trips to the petrol bunk are so rare that the attendant keeps forgetting who I am and tries to con me every time. I know all his tricks now, so I don't get conned.

4. Fixable AF: One, these bikes hardly get fucked up. Even if they do you don't have to visit specialized service stations (Yezdi, Bullet, RD etc) or visit the only authorized service station within a 20 kilometer radius (KTM, Ninja etc) you can get it fixed at your local mechanic shop  down the main road. Build a good rapport with this dude for added benefits. No homo.

5. Light AF: Lets assume your bike is out of petrol (because some bastard stole it when you were parked) or because the magical gremlins who live in your engine got naughty and screwed up the carburetor. The point is your bike's stranded in the middle of the road. You just push it to the nearest mechanic. A commuter is practically a seat, two wheels, a fuel tank and an engine. The lack of excess dead weight makes it extremely light in weight and easy to push. The only unnecessary dead weight you will have is your ungrateful girlfriend who insists you push the bike with her sitting on it. Bitch.

6. Crotch is safe AF: I mean it's called crotch rockets for a reason. Those "racing bikes" you see on the road. It looks very crotch unfriendly for a gender whose genitals stick out like sore thumb. Sorry for the visual. Lets put it this way, all the kings men and all the kings horses, couldn't put humpty back together again. I like my humpties intact, ok? 

7. Comfortable AF: You sit upright. There's no seat step to prevent you from sliding back to a comfortable position. Foot pegs are are positioned for easy reach, which is a boon for the stop-start traffic. If that is not enough, ask your girlfriend if she prefers riding pillion on your commuter or that R15 V.2. That is probably why she won't get down in the first place. Not bitch.

8. Inconspicuous AF:It's a Sherlock Holmes bike. Put your pitchforks away and hear me out. Mr. Holmes is a master of disguise. Also poor-ish. If he was of Indian origin, he'd be more likely to ride a Splendor than a CBR250. Think about it. It is easier to blend into the general public and spy on someone on a Splendor, than to create unwanted attention with a Pulsar NS or a Bullet. Dug-dug-dug-dug


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