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Foreign films and my sister

Research shows that 97.32% of all siblings fight/ have fought/ have had thoughts of killing each other in their sleep. The remaining 2.68% are usually fictional and- or are 'ideal people', like i said, fictional. eg- Pandavas, Dasharatha's sons, Hansle and Gretle, Shivanna and Radhika (Mrs. Kumaraswami, not Pandit!) etc.

Some say siblings have a love- hate relationship, my mother would disagree. My sister and I only have a hate- hate- gimme that, it's mine relationship. My mother used to stay awake all night keeping an eye on us. Not because she loved us so much, God no, she just wanted to make sure we don't strangle each other in our sleep. In fact my mother once tried to seperate us so that we wouldn't mortaly harm each other, and so that she could finally get some sleep.

She set up an elaborate plan which involved a huge circus tent and some kickass protechnics. Alas, we all survived the big fire "accident", and our family was reunited twelve minutes after the chaos. The social worker who reunited us died a mysterious death days after that incident though...

Of all the reasons we fought for, none can surpass the "war for the control of the tv remote". Those battles were the worst. I won't go into the details. The siblings know all about it, and it's too gortesque for the single fellows.

Research also shows that siblings have a lower rate of obesity compared to single children. This is because of the intense physical activity the siblings go through as kids. This is actually true! You should see me and my sister, we look so thin that our mother force feeds us and makes us wear padded clothing to make us look fatter than we are.

True story.

My sister and I could never agree on what to watch. She wouldn't let me watch cartoons and i wouldn't let her watch... Er... Um... What's her favourite tv shows again?

But, the only thing that united us in the act of watching tv, peacefuly that is, is foreign films. With us being Indians (she being part satan), even Hollywood movies are also technically foreign films for us. But i'm talking about French and Iranian movies.

My mother still says a silent prayer to Majid Majidi every night. For it was his movie 'Children of Heaven' that brought some peace into the war like atmosphere at home.

I vaguely remember watching an Italian version of Pinnochio with her. Again, no name calling or hair pulling or death threats. Oh, and we bunked our tution to watch that at home :D

Then came Amelie.

That just opened up a whole new world for me. My access to foreign films were limited. They would air english dubbed movies on some of the english movie channels, other than that i got my fix on WM for sometime.

And all this happened BEFORE i turned fourteen.

It would take me another eight years before i became 'seriously' interested in cinema. But then i only had to pick up where i left off. Now excuse me while i go thank my satan, i mean Sister. That's what i meant, sister...


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